Sunday, January 31, 2010

Proof the IPCC theory of climate is wrong

The Missing Hotspot

and see James Hanson's (NASA/GISS) original paper claiming the link between CO2 and climate and Geologist Don Easterbrook's critique of the IPCC & GSA position.

Climategate Timeline: Update Available

From       A portion:

Fourier Analysis of Climate: Next ~50 yrs Cooler

Given the cyclical nature of ocean oscillations, solar activity, orbital parameters, etc combining in chaotic ways yet interrelated, what is the predominant cyclical component in temperature data on relatively short time scales of say 30-80 years? Plotting HADCRUT3 variance-adj global mean data with a 2-5 harmonic (~32-80 year) band-pass filter and then plotting the inverse fourier reconstruction below shows the 2 most recent cycles 1883.75-1937.75 lasting 54 years and 1937.75-1999.25 lasting 61.5 years.

The publication Climate Changes and Fish Productivity analyzed three 1500-year temperature proxies including ice cores and tree rings, and found the predominant periodicity of climate fluctuations during the last 1000 years to be ~60 years with the variation from 55-76 years. This same periodicity was also confirmed by other authors.

Given the typical cycle length of ~60 years, the present cycle won't peak until ~2059. BTW, fish stocks of all species studied explodes on the upside every time the planet warms.  More good news about GW!

update: another analysis finds a strong 60 year periodicity

Latest Domino to Fall: Australian Temperature Data

From Quadrant online (Australia)
The foregoing suggests that the temperature data as analysed and presented by the IPCC and associated international research organisations do not provide a sound basis for the alarmist conclusions that have been reached and presented to governments. There is also a question about the validity of adjustments to Australia’s temperatures by our Bureau of Meteorology in compiling the so-called “high quality” data set. The temperature analyses, along with other similar alarmist claims, certainly justify a major independent inquiry before any government action is taken to reduce emissions of CO2.